Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Details, details, details...

Hello there, time for another update. It has been a few weeks since I have posted, but progress on the new thermoformer and trim press continues at an amazing pace. At this point, all of the major components are in place on the machine, most notably the oven and the chainrails. The electricains have been wiring the panels to the machine, tweaking the programs and testing components.

The next couple of weeks will be all about the details. We have to continue to tie in all of the systems, and then it will be on to testing. We look forward to running some foam through the machine so we can get some video footage to show you!

Here's a view of the former from the oven end:

From SX-44 Photos

And one from the side:

From SX-44 Photos

The main electrical panel:

From SX-44 Photos

That's all for now, please check back soon!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Taking Shape

The SX-44 thermoformer is really starting to come together now. It's great to see the results after all of the hard work that has gone in to this machine. Take a look:

Pat assembling the form station:

Thermoformer with form station, hydraulic unit and lower oven frame:

A female mold:

And a male mold:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April in Bloomfield

Well, April is here, and we are feeling a healthy dose of optimism that comes with a new spring season in upstate New York. Besides the optimism that the nice weather brings, we are extremely optimistic about our new thermoformer.

The SX-44 project is coming together, with visible progress occurring daily. The frame is complete and in the paint booth, the form station is ready for assembly, and chainrail parts are almost all made. The trim presses are wired up and ready for the production programs to be installed on Monday. Besides that, we are keeping the CNC machines running around the clock on lots of tooling. Kudos to the guys on the shop floor making it happen, especially to the guys that took on the challenge of manning our second shift.

Here are some more photos showing some of the recent work:

Half of a male mold in the Haas VF6:

A whole rack full of new trim tools:

Those are some LARGE cylinders!

Former frame in the paint booth:

Stay tuned for more updates!
