Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. After all of the details that were involved in sending out the new SX-44, and then the final prep for NPE 2009, it was an awfully busy time. Once all of that was behind us, a little break was called for.

At any rate, despite the lack of blog posts, things have continued to move along here in Bloomfield. Since my last post, we have shipped out another SX-16 thermoformer, done the lion's share of a rebuilding job on a customer's older Comco 730-28 former, and continued work on some tooling orders.

Thanks to those of you that visited us at NPE in Chicago last month. It was great to see some familiar faces, as well as make some new friends. The booth looked great, and our video of the SX-44 was a hit. I'm not sure what was more impressive, the thermoformer itself, or the overall quality of the video production. Special thanks to Doug at Blackbird Son Production Service for the outstanding job on the video. If you have not had a chance to see it, you can view it below, or take a look here. We had an enjoyable show, and despite the obvious light attendance, we consider it a success.

The most exciting development of the past month is that we will be rounding out the SX line of thermoformers, bringing the much-anticipated SX-28 to fruition. This former will offer high-end perfomance and features at a low-end price. Stay tuned for updates on our progress through the summer and fall.

That's all for now, thanks for reading!
