Thursday, April 8, 2010

Congratulations to Verrol Wheeler!

Last week marked the final days at Commodore for George's first employee, Verrol "Steve" Wheeler. After 30 years of service, Verrol has decided to hang up the tool belt and move on to bigger and better things.

Last Tuesday, Commodore employees enjoyed a fully catered BBQ lunch, along with a big cake featuring the Commodore logo. Pretty cool! After George got done roasting Verrol for a few minutes, Verrol was presented with a nice retirement gift, a beautifully framed map of the world. A fitting present for someone who has travelled to all corners of the earth representing Commodore and helping our valued customers.

So, once again, congratulations to you, Verrol. We all hope that your next 30 years are as great as the last 30 have been!