Friday, March 5, 2010

Commodore Delivers!

Well, actually, Commodore is preparing to deliver.  As you can see in the photo, our assembly shop is full (some might say over-full) of machinery that is all in the final stages of production.  With two SX-16 thermoformers, one SX-28 thermoformer, and a tandem extruder all nearing completion, there is lots to do, and not much space to do it in.  Despite the space restrictions, our assembly team has been doing a great job building all of these machines.   The electricians are also proving their worth, wiring the equipment, installing programs, debugging, and testing.

One challenge we recently encountered for the first time was testing multiple machines simultaneously.  Our existing power distribution would not allow us to run more than one machine at a time in the assembly building.  Realizing that powering and testing serially would be extremely inefficient, we took some time to upgrade the electrical service in the building.  Bill Bezek, our Electrical Engineer, designed and specified a system featuring a multiple tap buss with three 150A taps, along with a dedicated 300A multi-voltage line for testing extruders.  Under Bill’s supervision, our electricians, Jim and Ken, installed and wired the system in just a few days.  Now we have no problem running multiple pieces of equipment at the same time, which has already proven valuable.

Do you have a need for upgrades in your facility?  Keep in mind that Commodore offers more than just the equipment you need to make expanded polystyrene foam.  We have the personnel and know-how to overcome any challenges you might face in your production environment.  If you need someone to take a whole-system approach to the needs of your plant, give us a call, or stop by our site at

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