Thursday, August 19, 2010

More Extrusion Capacity for Commodore Plastics!

Commodore Technology has just delivered a new 3½-4½ tandem extrusion line to our sister company, Commodore Plastics.  As has become standard practice, this extruder features numerous technological advances in order to improve the extrusion process to produce the best foam at the lowest cost possible.  

Perhaps the biggest single change on this line is the screen changer.  Although we are big fans of the Beringer/Dynisco/Xaloy slide plate style screen changer, we have long wanted to experience the benefits of rotary filtration.  We have been familiar with the Gneuss brand for a while, and the time was finally right to purchase one of their SF60 units to try out. The ever-present challenge of achieving greater process stability should be aided by this awesome piece of equipment.

Looks good, doesn't it?  We are currently preparing the line for startup, and will be making foam next week.  We will report back on our initial impressions of the Gneuss, along with some other highlights of the new line soon. 

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