Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First Post

Welcome to the Commodore Technology blog! We will be using this forum to keep you up to date on the latest happenings here at Commodore.

It has been a busy start for us here in 2009. So busy, in fact, that it is hard to believe that it is already March. We're anxiously awaiting the return of warmer weather here in New York, but it looks like it might be a while. This morning it was 9°F (-13°C) outside, which sure does not feel like spring!

Our current focus is the development of the latest additions to our product line, the SX-44 thermoformer, and the TP-46 trim press. These products represent our entry in to the arena of wide-web thermoforming. This new equipment will be designed and built using the same philosophy that Commodore has always embraced - simple, reliable, well built equipment that provides you with the best return on investment in the industry. Keep an eye out for more information and photos as this new equipment is being built over the next few months.

Speaking of simple, reliable equipment, the first member of the SX family, the SX-16, was delivered to one of our valued customers earlier in 2008. This thermoformer and trim press combination has already proven to be an exceptional performer, so much so that our customer has already ordered another one for delivery this spring.

I will post some specifications of the SX formers soon, but in the meantime, take a look at the video footage of the SX-16 below.

Thanks for reading!

Fritz Seager
Operations Manager
Commodore Technology

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