Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Getting Closer

Well, the trim presses are almost complete, and the work on the SX-44 thermoformer has begun in earnest. Kurt had one of the trim presses running at 140 CPM last week, that was easily achieved even without any tuning of the servo drive. Pretty impressive. I can't believe how smooth and quiet it ran, but maybe I should not be surprised, as this machine is extremely well built, maybe even over-built!

Here's how things looked in the assembly building last week:

On the thermoformer side, we have completed the form station headers and platens. Frame work is under way, hydraulics will be delivered within a week, and the chain rail extrusion is on order. The electrical panels are coming along nicely, and will be completed with time to spare before we are ready to wire the machine. Here's the platens and headers:

That's all for now. Stay tuned for more updates.


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